Nikon D800
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX
ISO 640
F2.2, 1/40 second
Becca makes the best cookies.
Nikon D800
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX
ISO 4000
F1.8, 1/80 second
Got quite a bit of snow over night. I cleared of the car and drove a few miles, then turned around and came home. I’m glad my job allows me to work from home.
iPhone 6 Plus
ISO 100
F2.2, 1/4 second
It’s quite frustrating when the cat gets up on the top of the garage door like this. I’ve been tempted to just close it and see what he does, but I end up getting out the ladder to pull him down.
Nikon D800
Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Di
ISO 400
F16, 1/100 second
This tool is the worst. It was effective, but everything in the house was covered in dust after using it.
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