Nikon Z8
Irix 150mm f/2.8 Macro
ISO 125
F9.0 6 seconds
20 years ago today, I started my photo-a-day project.
Nikon Z8
Irix 150mm f/2.8 Macro
ISO 125
F9.0 6 seconds
20 years ago today, I started my photo-a-day project.
Nikon Z8
AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G
ISO 2500
F1.8 1/100 second
Cash on the fridge. Not sure what it's for.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 640
F1.8 1/80 second
Maggie having a little screen time before she heads off to her dance class.
Nikon Z8
Irix 11mm f/4 Firefly
ISO 1100
F5.6 1/20 second
Playing around with Teddy and a wide angle.
Nikon Z8
Laowa 25mm f/2.8 Ultra Macro
ISO 160
F3.5 6 seconds
A very close up macro of the baby's soft food feeder. We put fruit in there and he chews on it.
Nikon Z8
Laowa 25mm f/2.8 Ultra Macro
ISO 160
F3.5 10 seconds
Becca started her indoor gardens again. They make for good photo subjects.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S
ISO 160
F5.0 1/160 second
It was Matt's first day of preschool. He was really excited for it, and he had a great time there. He's going to do really well at school.
Nikon Z8
AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED
ISO 125
F5.6 1/160 second
We now have a teenage in the house. I have no idea how to parent a teenager.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 3200
F3.5 1/80 second
Elizabeth had her birthday party with friends today. And Teddy did his best to get my attention while singing happy birthday.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 1000
F2.2 1/80 second
Nanny came out to visit. She helped Maggie make cookies.
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