Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 100
F1.8 1/3200 second
Becca got me a bird feeder for Christmas. It mounts to the window so I can take bird photos from the couch. So far it hasn't attracted any birds.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 100
F1.8 1/3200 second
Becca got me a bird feeder for Christmas. It mounts to the window so I can take bird photos from the couch. So far it hasn't attracted any birds.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S
ISO 450
F5.6 1/800 second
I've come down with covid, and today we were supposed to be boarding a cruise to the Bahamas. But at least they've started marking utility lines on our street for Google fiber installation.
Nikon Z8
Lensbaby Edge 80mm f/2.8
ISO 100
F2.8 1/800 second
We were supposed to be at Kennedy Space Center today, so today's photo should have been the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Hopefully we can make the trip later this year.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 450
F1.8 1/125 second
Matt and I waiting for wallmart grocery pickup, since Becca is feeling sick. Which isn't good since we had a big trip to DisneyWorld, Kennedy Space Center, and a cruise for next week, and it's looking like we'll need to cancel.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 20mm f/1.8 S
ISO 2800
F2.8 1/100 second
The kids got a play couch that they could turn into a fort. Matt made a tunnel that the kids had to crawl through when they got home from School
Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 SSC
ISO 500
F1.4 1/40 second
A glass chicken I got from a white elephant gift exchange last month.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 100
F1.8 1/60 second
Becca and I went on a short date, and Teddy came with us.
Nikon Z8
Lensbaby Edge 80mm f/2.8
ISO 360
F2.0 1/60 second
Becca got me a hacking tool for Christmas. I've got to spend some time learning it.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 320
F1.8 1/60 second
Quick end of the year photo. 2024 was a pretty good year for me. We had baby #5, and everyone is relatively healthy. I ran 3 half marathons, and broke 2 hours on one of them. I ran 730 miles total for the year, and I read 58 books. Looking forward to 2025.
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