Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 4500
F1.8 1/80 second
I sold my old Z6 the other day, so I picked up this 35mm f1.8 Z. I really like the 35mm focal length, and the 7Artisans lens isn't nearly as sharp as this one.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 S
ISO 4500
F1.8 1/80 second
I sold my old Z6 the other day, so I picked up this 35mm f1.8 Z. I really like the 35mm focal length, and the 7Artisans lens isn't nearly as sharp as this one.
Nikon Z8
7artisans 35mm f/1.4
ISO 110
F1.4 1/60 second
Murray, UT
Becca got a few high blood pressure readings, so they asked us to go to labor and delivery. They monitored her and ran a few test then decided not to induce.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 9000
F1.8 1/60 second
Murray, UT
18 years ago today, Becca and I went on our first date. Today I went with her to her NST appointment since we though she might be in early labor. They checked the baby with an ultrasound, and then did a 3D ultrasound just for fun. The contractions subsided, and she felt better in the afternoon.
Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 [Di] Macro 1
ISO 720
F5.6 1/60 second
Jack has been making a lot of little sculptures with modeling clay he got for Christmas. He's getting really good at it.
And this will likely be the last photo from my Z6, since someone is buying it from me tomorrow. I had it for about 4 years, and shot 38,631 photos with it. It was a good little camera.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 36000
F1.8 1/60 second
The 45MP images from the Z8 are a bit much for my laptop to handle, so I've been using the desktop. But I found I'm also maxing out the memory on it, so I picked up 32GB more RAM. I think I also need to upgrade the graphics card next.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 1100
F1.8 1/80 second
Our hair clipper guards. Our clippers have died a couple times, and we've replaced the clipper but saved the guards. I think we have 3 of every size now.
Nikon Z8
AF-S Nikkor 105mm f/1.4E ED
ISO 3200
F1.8 1/250 second
Becca's dad came into town on business, so we took the kids swimming at his hotel.
Nikon Z8
Laowa 25mm f/2.8 Ultra Macro
ISO 32
F4 1/50 second
A little scratch on my finger from when George accidentally scratched me a few weeks ago.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 20mm f/1.8 S
ISO 3200
F1.8 1/40 second
The kids got a tent or Christmas. Looks like it could also be used as a giant macro tent.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 32
F16.0 1/15 second
I took the kids sledding. It's nice that the ISO on this camera drops all the way to 32 to allow slower shutter speeds.
Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 50mm f/1.8 S
ISO 32
F13.0 1/20 second
I played around with panning cars. The in camera image stabilization is really good in this camera, the truck came out really sharp.
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